Siltala Yachts (Finland) |
The secret behind the Nauticats is quite simple-the demanding Nordic climate and good taste. Finnish craftsmanship and the experience gained in building almost 3000 Nauticats have resulted in yachts admired amongst discerning yachtsmen all over the world. The Nauticat range of yachts today is divided into two distinctive groups. The traditional ketch rigged motorsailers and the pilothouse sailing yachts. The traditional motorsailers like the Nauticats 331, 38 and 441 offer you traditional looks and still very modern cruising abilities. The pilothouse yachts, the Nauticats 321, 351, 37, 385, 42, 515 and 525 were designed with high performance under sail in mind, never forgetting the traditional Nauticat qualities and values .
No matter the size or type, Nauticats have common qualities.They all provide the vision required to command the yacht from inside or outside. The pilothouse of a Nauticat offers all around visibility. The pilothouse also offers shelter from burning rays of sun as well as from the freezing wind. That's why a Nauticat is suitable for both the Caribbean area as well as the climate in Finland or Alaska. The Nauticats are famous for their comfort, spaciousness and reliability both under sail and power. At the yard we think that there are no shortcuts to quality and therefore we are dedicated to upholding our reputation for building elegant and individual yachts to highest standards based on our own experience.A Nauticat always carries you graciously at high speed, anywhere and in any conditions.